Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Divorce In Maryland Custody and Substance Abuse

There are instances in a divorce in Maryland where custody and visitation access to minor children are core issues to be addressed by the court. There are circumstances where a parent has become involved with addictive behavior whether that is alcohol or drugs. The court has addressed these issues in the matter of Cohen v Cohan which recognizes of course the court's authority to curtail access provided it is established by the evidence that it is in the children's best interest. Ultimately the court will exercise its authority to supervise, suspend or require abstinence from the use of drugs and alcohol provided there is a high probability of substance abuse.

If you have questions regarding divorce in Maryland, Maryland child custody were issues of custody in Maryland please feel free to call me at 1-888-760-7339. We will answer your legal questions over the phone at no cost to you.

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