Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Child-support in Maryland

Voluntary impoverishment can be found in family law article 12 – 201 where it states if a parent is voluntarily impoverished child support may be calculated based upon the termination of potential income. However a determination of potential income may not be made for a parent who is unable to work because of a physical or mental disability or is caring for a child under the age of two from the parents are jointly and severally responsible. Voluntary impoverishment is generally found in a circumstance where a person has taken a reduction in salary to avoid his or her support obligations. As such it can be found in circumstances where an individual is working at less income than they have the ability to earn and it is done for the purpose of avoiding a child support obligation. It is rare that a parent would go to such extremes to avoid paying child support however I have seen those circumstances occur. Mainly I see those occasions arise where the paying spouse changes jobs frequently to avoid wage withholding liens. If you have questions on child support or any other matter involving child-support in Maryland please feel free to call me at 1-888-760-7339 I will answer your questions over the phone at no cost to you.

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