Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Child Support in MD

Child-support in Maryland is based upon a mathematical calculation that is outlined in the child support guidelines. It is essentially adding each spouse's gross income calculating the proportionate share of the income then calculating each parties financial obligation to pauy child support consistent with that percentage of contribution. Health insurance premiums are calculated in too adjusting the gross income. Child care costs are also calculated as well as uninsured health cost and education cost as they relate to, amoung other things, private schools. The court will allow deviations from the child support guidelines to facilitate visitations if it is proven that it is in the children's best interest to reduce the child-support payment. One other additional major factor affecting the amount of the child support to be paid is the number of overnights when the children are with the otherwise noncustodial parent. Once the threshold of 128 overnights is reached the mathematical formula for calculating child support is modified for that shared physical custody arrangement. If you have questions regarding Maryland child-support or child-support arrears or divorce in Maryland please feel free to give me a call. I will answer your questions over the phone at no cost to you 1-888-760-7339.

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