Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Marital property Divorce In Maryland

The best way to understand marital property, in my opinion, is to view the issue as follows. Any and all value acquired during marriage is subject to an equitable distribution between the parties. It does not matter how the value is titled. If it is value acquired during marriage it is marital property. Once the court has determined what property is marital property the court then values that property and then the court makes a determination as to what is a fair and equitable distribution of that value. As you can imagine there are multiple areas of disagreement on the issues of marital property. I can tell you any divorce starts with the inventory of assets, liabilities, income, monthly expenses, and some opinion relative to what is in the children's best interest. If you have questions regarding martial property or divorce n Maryland please feel free to call me at 1-888-760-7339. I am more than happy to answer your questions over the phone at no cost to you.

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