Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Alimony in a Maryland Divorce

There are a few issues involving alimony that may be of some interest. For example although court ordered alimony is always subject to modification however parties can specify in agreements that alimony payments are not subject to further court modification. Unless the parties agree in writing alimony will terminate upon remarriage. The circuit courts have an inherent power to award alimony and the power to reserve the issue of alimony. Alimony payents may retroactively applid to a time prior to the filing of a formal request for a modification of the alimony. Alimony is income to the recipient and a deduction to the payor. Generally speaking alimy is based upon a financial ability to pay alimony and a demonstrated financial need from the person who is seeking alimony.

If you have questions on the issues involving a divorce in Maryland please feel free to call me at 1-888-760-7339. I am happy to answer your questions for you over the phone at no cost to you.

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