Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Alimony New Changes in Divorce in Maryland

The Maryland courts have had the opportunity to consider the issue of whether guidelines as produced by computer programs should be considered by the judge when determining the issue of a person's eligibility for alimony and the duration of the alimony payments. The court addressed this issue in Thomas Boemio v. Cynthia Boemio . The court made clear in their decision that the statutory factors that have always been taken into consideration in determining alimony must still be consulted and must still be followed. However the statute does not preclude a judge from consulting with the computer calculated guidelines. I attended a recent settlement conference in Howard County and the settlement judge specifically requested both parties to submit computer calculated alimony guidelines. Sometimes the legal issues may be as simple as a mathematical formula. Sometimes maybe not. If you have questions regarding alimony in a Maryland divorce please feel free to give my office a call as I am more than happy to discuss those issues with you over the phone at no cost to you. 1-888-760-7339

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