Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Child Support Modification in Maryland Divorce

I have been receiving several calls each day from non custodial parents who have unfortunately lost their employment in this recession. Each wants to know what they should do to change the child support obligation since they are no longer earning wages. It is important to note initially that the child support modification is retroactive only back to the date you seek a modification. This means you must file the motion to modify child support immediately. Once this is done I suggest a consent agreement. We normally pursue this with a letter to the custodial spouse outlining you are no longer employed. If unemployment is being pursued this is income for child support purposes. If there is no unemployment money and no other income and you are actively trying to find a job then unfortunately everyone suffers until new employment is secured. There is no point in everyone running to court to prove you are not working. The simplest solution is enter into a consent agreement with the agreement to share income information the minute you secure new employment. At that point the child support can be recalculated and the child support restarted as normal. If you have any questions on child support issues, please visit my web page or feel free to call me. 1-888-760-7339

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