Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Divorce in Maryland

In any divorce in Maryland the court will consider extraordinary medical expenses as part of the child support obligation. I receive several calls on this issue each week from people interested to know if braces are included. The answer is yes braces are included. So having said that, extraordinary medical expenses are defined: Extraordinary medical expenses
(g)(1) "Extraordinary medical expenses" means uninsured expenses over $100 for a single illness or condition.
(2) "Extraordinary medical expenses" includes uninsured, reasonable, and necessary costs for orthodontia, dental treatment, asthma treatment, physical therapy, treatment for any chronic health problem, and professional counseling or psychiatric therapy for diagnosed mental disorders.

Additionally, just to mention the list of added cost in determining the child support amount also include actual child care expenses incurred due to either parent's employment, FL § 12-204(g); extraordinary medical expenses, FL § 12-204(h); special or private school expenses, FL § 12-204(i)(1); expenses for transportation of the child between the parents' homes, FL § 12-204(i)(2); expenses related to medical support, FL § 12-101(d); and a requirement that a parent include the child in that parent's health insurance coverage, FL § 12-102(b). That is the extent of payments that are child support, or are in the nature of child support, under Maryland law.

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